Sunday, December 12, 2010

Running = Connected

December 12 – Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present? (Author: Patrick Reynolds)

A couple months ago, when I realized my dieting and exercising hit a plateau, I decided I needed to take it up a notch. I bought one of the Jillian Michaels' videos and I wanted to take my running a bit more serious. You see, I have been running for years but have never really considered myself a true runner. I would run to primarily to get rid of stress and to burn calories but would never push myself to go beyond the 2 or 3 mile mark or push myself to actually improve.

I decided it was time to try endurance training - I had heard many times that it was a great way (if not the only way) to improve in running. So, I started and it was rough to say the least. I was only running at about 5.6 on a treadmill and probably only going a total of 2.5 miles (if even). But I continued to stick to it with the help of my awesome running mentor and I have definitely seen improvements but it wasn't until last week when I realized I felt the most connected to my body when I run.

I find a sign or a landmark to focus all my attention on, I put on my running playlist, and I truly just zone out. All the day's events become completely irrelevant and my mind just goes quiet. I focus solely on my breathing and on the sign/landmark I have chosen for the night, and I just run. On this particular day, I hit 5 miles - something I've actually never done. And the only words that come to mind when I think about this glorious moment are: strong, proud, and connected.

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