Saturday, December 18, 2010

Making Rifts in My World

December 16 – Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)

I think it's really easy to get caught up in the moment sometimes. So easy that you don't always see you're being treated unfairly or badly. You get sucked up in this little whirlwind or you find an easy way to justify the situation or the way someone treated you.

With that being said, I don't think any one friend has changed my perspective on the world as a whole per se, but has changed the perspective on my world. This friend (let's call her Julia) and I share a mutual friend (say Maggie) that we both love and care for very much. However, sometimes Maggie can do things and say things that I often find myself justifying in my head...

She said ____ because she's going through a rough time & is really stressed.
She canceled on me because she hasn't see _____ in a few days.


When I see Maggie treat Julia this way, I get upset that Julia never says anything...never stands up for herself. She just lets Maggie do whatever she wants. It wasn't until the later half of the year that I realized she does the same thing to me, and I react the same way Julia does. It's helped me step out of those moments I get so easily caught up in and it changes my perspective about Maggie & helps me realize that it's not acceptable to treat people that way.

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