I've been on a bit of a running kick the past few months but lately, I've been struggling a bit with wanting to go and struggling to get past the 3 mile mark. Right now, the thing I want to achieve MOST next year is running the Winter Park 10K at the end of March. I know to some, 6.2 miles may not seem like a lot but considering 5K's were a huge deal before, I'm excited that I'm even attempted to take the next step up.
There is something about seeing the finish line when running this events. It doesn't matter how much you walked or struggled to get to that point, when you see all those faces lined up on the side, people clapping for you that you don't even know, it's a rush. It's a pure moment of complete accomplishment & happiness. I'm sure I'll also feel like I want to vomit but that's besides the point.
10 things I can do or think to accomplish this?
- Do: Continue training & pushing myself to go further
- Do: Find other locations to run besides the gym. I think I'm officially burnt out of running in place.
- Do: Eat healthy. I'm not gonna go anywhere if I don't put good things in my body.
- Do: Continue strength training. I can't lose site of making my muscles stronger because in the end, I need that to help me be a successful runner.
- Do: Take care of my body. Re: Sleep, stretch, relax
- Think: Positively. Sometimes I feel like mental thoughts outweigh the actual physical part of running. Gotta stay in a positive mental attitude.
- Think: I can do it. If I don't believe in myself, why should anyone else?
- Think: Don't kill yourself. Sometimes I get so caught up when I put my mind to something but I have to listen to my body and rest when it tells me to rest. I would like to achieve this, not kill myself in the process.
- Think: All great things are accomplished by hard work. I can't expect to just run the 6.2 miles without working hard at it. Need to remind myself that all good things come alongside hard work.
- Think: I am a runner. Sometimes, I don't think I'm a runner because I don't run half marathons and marathons but you know what? I run 3-4 times a week. That makes me a runner. I need to believe that.